
The Iowa Chapter of United Spinal Association needed a cohesive look for all of the mediums it was using to communicate. To begin, a color scheme was established to be used on everything. After that, ALL communication materials were redesigned, which included the Chapter’s website, letterhead, brochures, flyers, Facebook page, emails, and more.

I designed/built the website using WordPress. A theme was purchased, but a lot of customization was done using plugins and additional CSS to get the desired look. The copy on the site was written and/or edited by me.  Check the site out! 

You can view a few of the materials I wrote and designed by clicking on the thumbnail images. To get a more in-depth view of the Expo Brochure, see it in a PDF.

Software used:

  • Brochure, letterhead, and Sponsorship Sheet were created in InDesign
  • Email banner image created in Illustrator
  • Email constructed at Constant Contact